Rohan JB Cherla, Founder

“Change doesn’t start with large numbers, it begins with the person who believes they can make a change.” Rohan

First Mission - Visakhapatnam AVN College

How does your donation help?

By donating you are not only helping the current generation but you are helping create a future generation who will also give back and support their communities. Bright Futures not only wants the present generations to have equal education but for there not to be any need for foundations such as ours in the future. Please consider being a part of this journey with us because I promise that this is only the beginning.

Methods of supporting

if you wish to support us you can do so in different ways,

etransfer to the email :

or by writing a cheque to :

Bright Futures: A JB Foundation

or by giving cash personally.

You could also use the website payment apps to choose a donation amount if you want to use your debit or credit cards.

To get a better understanding of the donation amounts and how they help we created a small table for reference based on our experience with the Indian schools and colleges.